If you own a business, it is up to you to ensure your employees are safe. One thing you must be concerned with right now is the COVID-19 virus. This virus spreads so quickly that just one person getting it at your business could mean several people getting sick. To prevent this from happening, follow the two tips below.
Hire a COVID-19 Disinfection Service
The first thing you should do is to hire a COVID-19 disinfection service. This will ensure that your business is clean and virus-free. You can then take steps after this service to keep your business this way.
The COVID-19 disinfection service may use a disinfectant fogger in the beginning. This will not only sanitize the building but also decontaminate if there is any type of virus already in the building.
The contractor will wear a full-body suit and mask to protect them from the fogger chemicals and the virus. The fogger is a handheld machine that looks much like a large leaf blower. The contractor will walk around and spray the fog in the rooms and on surfaces. The chemicals must be kept in place in order to kill and disinfect any germs.
Along with the fogger, the disinfectant service will likely use sprays as an added measure against the virus. Some of the services offered include:
- Sanitizing surfaces
- Disinfecting surfaces
- Deep cleaning
- Focusing on high-touch point areas
The disinfection services will only use products that are compliant with EPA, CDC, and OSHA guidelines.
What You Can Do
Along with the disinfection service, you can do some things on your own. Make sure all employees wear a mask. You should offer masks to customers as well, in case someone comes in and does not have one. Give hand sanitizer to each employee to have at their desk or in their pocket and tell them to use it throughout the day.
Provide sanitizing spray for everyone that has a desk so they can wipe down their desks every day. This will include all things they touch, such as the desk surface, drawers, phones, etc.
You need to wipe down often-touched areas every day, such as doorknobs, doors, and all surfaces. You may want to consider asking all your employees to get tested or make sure anyone that has been near someone with the virus gets tested.
Following these two tips should help you keep a virus-free business for you and your employees. For more information about COVID-19 disinfection services, contact a local company.